February Bead Supply Box of the Month Shipments have gone out to subscribers!! Here's a look at what went out this month. There are a VERY LIMITED number of spots left for March and Open Registration has begun for April. You can get a single month shipment or SAVE with a 3-month subscription package! The March theme is SPRING FLOWERS and the April theme is WINGED THINGS (Butterflies, Dragonflies, Bees, etc.)
Here's the link for the March - May Boxes while supplies last: https://www.abcbeadsupply.com/collections/project-kits/products/bead-supply-box-of-the-month-march-may-savings-package-or-march-single-month-box-deadline-february-15th
Here's the link to Open Registration for April - June (Closes March 17th): https://www.abcbeadsupply.com/collections/project-kits/products/bead-supply-box-of-the-month-april-june-savings-package-or-april-single-month-box-registration-deadline-march-17th